Synchronize PLC analog output voltage as per motor encoder reading
This I need for Delta PLC
For example I have a motor of 1400 rpm and an encoder is connected to it (fan side),
I want to run motor at speed of 700 rpm, and PLC should know motor speed by connected encoder ,
If speed high analog output voltage should get down automatically , if speed if low , analog voltage should get high automatically.
I mean how can I maintain a specific speed of a Motor .
It will be great help if I can have a PLC program example or some link.
I know How to program PLC to get specific analog voltage from a PLC,but I dont know how to vary analog voltage as per encoder reading.
It’s simple.
- Find Encoder RPM
- Compare it with Actual RPM
- Generate Voltage Output accordingly.
Right now I don’t have any example or link to share.
Thank You
That’s my point .. I can know the encoder rpm (let’s motor rpm) , I know set rpm , how can I generate voltage accordingly , what’s the method ?
I know if set K value xxxx then it will give generate xx voltage … but how i make a logic that plc generate specific voltage to attain set speed.
You can use D instead of K then increment or decrement the values with condition of RPM less or more.
Also use RPM to Voltage scale function.
It’s simple.
Right now I don’t have any example or link to share.
Thank You