Fatek plc hspso simulation


i’m trying to simulate a simple servo program in WinproLadder and everytime a start the simulation,the hspso instruction turns yellow.The cpu i use is the FBs-24MC.I have assigned the Y0 and Y1 outputs as pulse and direction in output setup.In the instruction setup i use Ps=0,SR=R100 and WR=R200.In servo table i use constants for speed and pulses.The registers i use,are used only from the instruction.I have connected all the inputs and outputs of the instruction(contacts,coils) to individual memory bits.Am i doing

something wrong?Is it any program update issue?

Asked on March 7, 2021 in PLC.
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2 Answer(s)


Please attached program file here. I will check and update you. Thank You

Answered on March 9, 2021.
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Thank you for response.I assume the problem is solved.

Answered on March 11, 2021.
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