Fatek FBs_60MC and XY-MD02 modbus issue


Hello everyone , I have my home climatic control with fatek and i want to read the XY-MD02 sensors on RS485 . I have conected to PLC estension as  FBs_6RTD , FBs_CBE , FBs_CM55E . I can read each sensor succesfuly on PC with a cheap interface , still the manual of that sensor is not realy acurate . The sensor read 4 digit , so the real temp/humid is divided by 100 not 10 how  is writed in manual. Also is even parity . The problem is , i can’t read them inside of PLC , i ‘m out of solutions . I try any port configuration , nothing change . Can be possible a conflict between the two extension used FBs_CBE & FBs_CM55E ? The PLC succesful communicate with weintek HMI in my home , Anyone any suggestion ? What i doing wrong . I lose 2 weeks reading the manuals for nothing . https://prnt.sc/lJavRUJCr4t- https://prnt.sc/kIiQE9ljtrBq https://prnt.sc/ZR6BRhZlV5DT https://prnt.sc/NeKGxNfZvHTw https://prnt.sc/Spe_zdhdkk_1 Thank you

Asked on March 21, 2023 in PLC.
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You can try to read data directly in weintek HMI via Modbus then using inter register you can transfer that data in plc and use it.

Good Luck.

Thank You

Answered on April 24, 2023.
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Yes man , thanks . I do that a week ago and work without any issue. Still dont understand what’s wrong in plc because i can read other devices but not this. Weintek work just fine. Thanks

Answered on April 24, 2023.
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