Synchronize PLC analog output voltage as per motor encoder reading

This I need for Delta PLC

For example I have a motor of 1400 rpm and an encoder is connected to it (fan side),

I want to run motor at speed of 700 rpm, and PLC should know  motor speed by connected encoder ,

If speed high analog output voltage should get down automatically , if speed if low , analog voltage should get high automatically.

I mean how can I maintain a specific speed of a Motor .


It will be great help if I can have a PLC program example or some link.


I know How to program PLC to get specific analog voltage from a PLC,but I dont know how to vary analog voltage as per encoder reading.

Asked on November 21, 2020 in PLC.


It’s simple.

  1. Find Encoder RPM
  2. Compare it with Actual RPM
  3. Generate Voltage Output accordingly.

Right now I don’t have any example or link to share.

Thank You

on November 23, 2020.
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3 Answer(s)


It’s simple.

  1. Find Encoder RPM
  2. Compare it with Actual RPM
  3. Generate Voltage Output accordingly.

Right now I don’t have any example or link to share.

Thank You

Answered on November 23, 2020.
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That’s my point .. I can know the encoder rpm (let’s motor rpm) , I know set rpm , how can I generate voltage accordingly , what’s the method ?

I know if set K value xxxx then it will give generate xx voltage … but how i make a logic that plc generate specific voltage to attain set speed.

Answered on November 23, 2020.
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You can use D instead of K then increment or decrement the values with condition of RPM less or more.

Also use RPM to Voltage scale function.

Answered on November 24, 2020.
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